5 Quick Ways to Enjoy Reading Your Bible Daily

Someone has succinctly said to this effect–“the best way you can express your love to someone is by giving him time.”

Wives love it when their husbands give them time. Kids love it when their parents spend time with them. And you know what? God loves it when we spend time listening to His Word.

What are some quick ways we can enjoy reading the Bible?

5 Quick Ways to Enjoy Reading Your Bible Daily

1. Read your Bible out loud. 

Narrate the story to yourself. Not only will you be able to understand God’s word better but that will also keep you awake. 🙂

2. Listen to an Audio App while reading your Bible.

In my case, I either use an app from Faith Comes by Hearing Ministry or I go to Bible Gateway. I love the fact that God’s words come alive as they are narrated with some background musical sound effects and different voice tones of the characters in the story.

3. Find an accountability partner. 

In my case, my husband is my accountability partner.

I can remember also when I was not married yet how our church effectively encouraged our church young people to read their Bible through point system. Of course, they did that to motivate us, young men and women of God to be in the Word all throughout the week.

Each Sunday, we had to fill out a form and state whether we read our Bible or not. We had to fill it out with all honestly.

Gone were the days when we had to fill out these forms but doing these over and over, we had developed a habit to seek God early in His word.

If you think you can ask your best friend, your husband, your sister or your parents to be your accountability partner, then do so.

3. Add a devotional book to your assigned Bible reading each day. 

What are my favorites?

You can easily subscribe to some online devotionals too! I highly recommend Daily Proverb and Faith’s Checkbook by Charles Spurgeon. Subscribe to their mailing list and they will deliver their messages to your inbox everyday.

Reminder: Devotionals, just like vitamins, cannot replace the Bible. They are just supplements and I encourage you to do your own digging each day when you read the Bible. Let the Holy Spirit speak to you personally. Ask Him to convict or encourage you and He is more than willing to do so! 🙂

4. Use colored pens and multi-hued highlighters.

This is one of the things that makes me thrilled in reading the Bible. I find it encouraging to see my Bible highlighted with different colors. 🙂 Seeing the highlighted verses on my Bible never fails to make me encouraged or convicted.

5. Keep a journal

I like using old notebooks or spare planners I was not able to use. Journals are also tools to encourage and remind you of the lessons God has taught you.

Review them when you are discouraged to open your Bible and see how that simple act can make you long to seek God in His word again.

What are the ways you do that help you enjoy your Bible reading on a daily basis? Share them with me and our other friends. May God bless us as we express our love to Him through reading and living out His word! ❤

Leaning on Jesus, (2)

21 thoughts on “5 Quick Ways to Enjoy Reading Your Bible Daily

  1. Nance, great post. I used to go into my Bible time with more a have to attitude and now I am just amazed at how awesome God’s Word is and look forward to spending time there learning new revelations everyday!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. These are great tips! When I was in junior high, my Sunday school teacher set up a program to encourage us in our devotions also. My prayer time with God developed a lot through that. I am so thankful for the people who encouraged me in my devotions!

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